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When is a Mango Ripe: A Guide to Identifying Mango Ripeness

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Have you ever bought a mango that ended up being hard and sour, or one that was overripe and mushy? Knowing when a mango is ripe is crucial to getting the most out of this delicious tropical fruit. In this article, we’ll explore the different stages of mango ripeness, how to identify a ripe mango, and tips on how to ripen and store mangoes.

First, let’s discuss why it’s important to know when a mango is ripe. Not only does eating a ripe mango provide a more enjoyable and flavorful experience, but it also ensures that you’re getting the maximum nutritional benefit. Mangoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, dietary fiber, and antioxidants, but the nutritional content varies depending on the ripeness of the fruit.

Now that we understand the importance of identifying ripe mangoes, let’s dive into the main points of this article. We’ll explore the different stages of mango ripeness, how to identify a ripe mango, and tips on how to ripen and store mangoes. By the end of this article, you’ll be a mango expert and confidently select the perfect fruit every time.

Understanding Mango Ripeness

Checking the ripeness of a mango is easy with a simple squeeze test.
Checking the ripeness of a mango is easy with a simple squeeze test.

If you’ve ever wondered why some mangoes are soft and juicy while others are hard and sour, it’s because mangoes go through different stages of ripeness. Here are the three stages of mango ripeness:

1. Pre-ripe Mangoes

Pre-ripe mangoes are hard and green and are not yet ready to eat. They are low in sugar and high in starch and have a tangy, sour taste. Pre-ripe mangoes are typically used in cooking and pickling and can be stored for up to a week at room temperature.

2. Semi-Ripe Mangoes

Semi-ripe mangoes are partially ripe and have started to develop some sweetness. They are yellow or orange in color and are still slightly firm to the touch. Semi-ripe mangoes are ideal for making chutneys and sauces and can be stored for up to 5 days at room temperature.

3. Ripe Mangoes

Ripe mangoes are sweet, juicy, and fragrant. They are soft to the touch and have a bright yellow, orange, or red color depending on the variety. You can eat ripe mangoes as is or use them in smoothies, desserts, and salads. Ripe mangoes should be consumed within 2-3 days or stored in the refrigerator for up to a week.

In addition to the stages of ripeness, there are physical characteristics that indicate a mango is ripe. A ripe mango should have a fruity aroma and yield slightly to pressure when squeezed. The skin should also be free of bruises or blemishes.

Several factors can affect mango ripeness, including the variety of mango, the climate in which it was grown, and the time of year. Understanding these factors can help you select the perfect mango every time.

Identifying the Ripeness of a Mango

A bountiful harvest of sweet, ripe mangoes fresh from the tree.
A bountiful harvest of sweet, ripe mangoes fresh from the tree.

When it comes to identifying the ripeness of a mango, there are a few techniques you can use to ensure that you’re selecting the perfect fruit. Here are some visual cues, touch and smell tests, and common mistakes to avoid when identifying mango ripeness.

Visual Cues for Determining Mango Ripeness

The color of a mango is one of the most significant visual cues in determining its ripeness. A ripe mango will typically have a yellow-orange hue and may have small red or green areas. Avoid mangoes that are entirely green or brown, as they’re likely unripe or overripe, respectively.

Another visual cue to look for is the texture of the mango’s skin. A ripe mango will have a slightly wrinkled skin and may have small indentations. Avoid mangoes with smooth skin, as they’re likely unripe.

Touch and Smell Tests for Checking Mango Ripeness

The touch and smell tests are two simple techniques you can use to check the ripeness of a mango. When gently squeezed, a ripe mango will give slightly and feel soft. If it feels hard, it’s likely unripe, while a mushy texture indicates that the mango is overripe.

The smell of a mango can also indicate its ripeness. A ripe mango will have a sweet, fruity aroma, while an unripe mango will have little or no smell.

Common Mistakes in Identifying Mango Ripeness

One common mistake people make when identifying mango ripeness is relying solely on color. While color is a crucial visual cue, it’s not enough to determine the fruit’s ripeness. Additionally, avoid squeezing the mango too hard, as this can bruise the fruit and make it difficult to tell if it’s ripe.

By using these visual cues, touch and smell tests, and avoiding common mistakes, you’ll be able to identify the ripeness of a mango with ease. In the next section, we’ll explore how to ripen a mango and enjoy it at its best.

How to Ripen a Mango

Knowing the difference between a ripe and unripe mango is key to enjoying its full flavor.
Knowing the difference between a ripe and unripe mango is key to enjoying its full flavor.

Mangoes are usually picked when they are still unripe to prevent damage during transportation. But don’t worry, there are several methods to ripen mangoes at home. Here are some natural and artificial ways to ripen a mango:

Natural ways to ripen a mango

  1. Leave the mango at room temperature: Place the mango in a paper bag and leave it at room temperature for a few days. The ethylene gas produced by the mango will speed up the ripening process.

  2. Place the mango in a warm spot: Mangoes ripen faster in warm environments. Place the mango in a warm area like a windowsill or near a source of heat.

  3. Use a banana: Place a ripe banana in a paper bag with the mango. The ethylene gas produced by the banana will help ripen the mango faster.

Artificial methods to ripen a mango

  1. Microwave method: Pierce the mango with a fork and microwave it for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the process until the mango is soft to the touch.

  2. Paper bag method: Place the mango in a paper bag with an apple or banana. Close the bag and leave it for 1-2 days until the mango is ripe.

  3. Plastic bag method: Place the mango in a plastic bag with an apple or banana. Close the bag and leave it for 1-2 days until the mango is ripe.

Precautions to take when ripening a mango

  1. Check the mango regularly: Check the mango every day to ensure that it doesn’t overripe or spoil.

  2. Don’t use too much force: Don’t squeeze the mango too hard or use too much force when checking for ripeness. This can cause bruising or damage to the fruit.

  3. Avoid direct sunlight: Don’t leave the mango in direct sunlight as it can cause the fruit to spoil or become too soft.

By following these methods, you can ripen a mango at home and enjoy its sweet and juicy flavor.

Storing Ripe Mangoes

Once you’ve identified a ripe mango, it’s important to store it properly to ensure it stays fresh and tasty. Here are some best practices for storing ripe mangoes:

Best Practices for Storing Ripe Mangoes

  1. Store ripe mangoes in the refrigerator to slow down the ripening process.
  2. Place the mangoes in a plastic or paper bag with ventilation holes to keep them from dehydrating.
  3. Avoid stacking mangoes on top of each other, as this can cause bruising and damage.
  4. Keep the mangoes away from other fruits and vegetables that produce ethylene gas, as this can cause them to ripen too quickly.

Ways to Extend Mango Shelf-Life

If you’ve purchased ripe mangoes but aren’t ready to eat them yet, there are several ways to extend their shelf-life:

  1. Freeze the mangoes by cutting them into slices or cubes and storing them in an airtight container in the freezer.
  2. Make mango puree by blending the mangoes and storing it in the freezer in an airtight container.
  3. Dehydrate the mangoes by slicing them and placing them on a dehydrator tray. Store them in an airtight container once they’re fully dehydrated.

Tips for Properly Handling Ripe Mangoes

To avoid damaging ripe mangoes, here are some tips for proper handling:

  1. Wash your hands before handling ripe mangoes to avoid transferring bacteria.
  2. Use a sharp knife to cut the mango, being careful not to cut too close to the seed.
  3. When removing the skin, use a peeler or a sharp knife to avoid wasting any of the fruit.
  4. Store any leftover mango in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to store ripe mangoes properly and enjoy their delicious flavor for longer.


In conclusion, knowing when a mango is ripe is vital to enjoying this tropical fruit to its fullest potential. By understanding the different stages of mango ripeness and how to identify a ripe mango, you can ensure that you’re getting the most nutritional benefit and flavorful experience.

Remember to look for visual cues, perform touch and smell tests, and avoid common mistakes when identifying ripe mangoes. If you need to ripen a mango, try natural or artificial methods, taking precautions to ensure safe ripening. And finally, properly store ripe mangoes to extend their shelf life and maintain their flavor and texture.

At, we’re passionate about promoting the health benefits and culinary delights of this tropical fruit. We hope that this guide has been informative and helpful in your mango journey. So, head to your local grocery store or farmers’ market and start selecting the perfect mangoes for your next dish or snack.

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